Platoon Emblem Upload - Better Battlelog Forums #99049

Post edited 4 x times, last by
times says how can I change using the BBL platoon emblem or upload my own?

check the degree not quite!
or does it not like greasemonkey here also?

lg Aitsch
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sry i forgot, is in english!!!!
Post edited 1 x times, last by
I guess your question is how you upload a platoon emblem, right? If not, please try to clarify the question a bit more. :-)
Just in case it is, below you'll find a short tutorial.
(it isn't that hard, though)

1. Go to the platoon page;
2. Hover over the emblem and press "Edit emblem" (see image 1);
3. At the right side there should be a button "CHOOSE A FILE", press it. (see image 2);
4. Choose your file.

image 1

image 2

That should do it. :-)
Post edited 2 x times, last by
Meaurk wrote:
I guess your question is how you upload a platoon emblem, right? If not, please try to clarify the question a bit more. :-)
Just in case it is, below you'll find a short tutorial.
(it isn't that hard, though)

1. Go to the platoon page;
2. Hover over the emblem and press "Edit emblem" (see image 1);
3. At the right side there should be a button "CHOOSE A FILE", press it. (see image 2);
4. Choose your file.

image 2

image 3

That should do it. :-)


image 1

thx very much!!!!
I use Better BBlog 3.5.3. in Firefox (and Chrome as well) and there's somethin' wrong.
1. I check the "Platoon Image Upload" checkbox but after page refresh the checkbox becomes unchecked again.
2. There are no LOAD FILE (or whatever) button under SAVE IMAGE thus I cannot upload my own platoon emblems.

Do You know somethin 'bout it?

Cheers Lad :)