3.5.2 Not working with Firefox? - Better Battlelog Forums #99067

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Can anyone confirm that this is not working with Firefox. I installed the new plugin on the 15th went back today and the bblog icon was missing and so are all the features? I tried reinstalling to no avail anyone have the same issue or any suggestions?

Firefox v22
BBlog v 3.5.2
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BBLog does currently not work for Firefox 22 and above.
But with FF 21 it should work as expected.
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I updated Firefox to test it and BBlog works fine for me. It must be on your end. Deinstall the add on (, maybe remove all local data) and reinstall it.

Edit. I updated from 20 to 21. Brain fart on my side. Sorry!
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I guess he's using the Beta, like I am.
The latest stable release of Firefox is 21.

I've been having the same issue since Firefox updated to Beta 22.
Ah my bad, yes BBLog does only work for Firefox 21 and bellow.

Since Firefox 22.0 BBLog doesn't work anymore.