HTML5 / Javascript MP3 Audio Spectrum Visualizer by BrainFooLong - Better Battlelog Forums #99122

Here is a little experiment from me that uses new JS technologies for audio analysing.

For people who interested
My ears almost bleed with the frequency test, the highest frequency almost killed me.
Sorry, your browser doesn't support this Web Audio Visualization.
Use the newest Google Chrome.
ORFK wrote:
Sorry, your browser doesn't support this Web Audio Visualization.
Use the newest Google Chrome.

Yes and? It's a Chrome only feature atm, no other browser have this API.
i hate features which supports only one browser ;-)
and yes i know... html5 is still not finished developed ^^
ORFK wrote:
i hate features which supports only one browser ;-)
and yes i know... html5 is still not finished developed ^^

I too but at the moment there is no other chance.
When I choose a file, after few (cca 10) seconds it shows an Aw, snap! error. Chrome 27.0.1453.116 on Windows 8.